Universidade do Sarre

Alemanha, Saarbrücken , PO Box 151150, Im Stadtwald

Founded 1948 with the help of France, the University became a member of the Western German Rectors' Conference (WRK, today Hochschulrektorenkonferenz-HRK) 1957. Financially supported by the State of the Saar, and under the jurisdiction of its Ministry of Education and Science.

Financiamento: Público
Notas 4
Línguas 2
Divisões 8
Propinas anuais
Moeda local: EUR
€ 300,00€ 1.000,00
  • Detalhes da admissão: Secondary school certificate (Abitur) or equivalent
A Sua Moeda: USD
US$ 323,07US$ 1.076,89

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