International Environmental Sakharov University (ISEU)

Bielorrússia, Minsk , 23 Dolgobrodskaya St

Founded 1992 as International 'Saharov' College by Decree of Council of the Ministers following a resolution passed at the First International Saharov Memorial Congress and with support of the UN. Reorganized 1994 as International Saharov Institute of Radioecology, and acquired present status and title 1999.

Financiamento: Público
Credenciamento: Ministry of Education
Notas 3
Línguas 2
Divisões 4
Propinas anuais
Moeda local: USD
US$ 425,00US$ 425,00
  • Detalhes da admissão: General or special secondary school certificate (Attestat o srednjem /specialnom/obrazovanii), and entrance examination
A Sua Moeda: USD
US$ 425,00US$ 425,00

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