Universidade de Friburgo

Suíça, Friburgo , Avenue de l'Europe 20

Founded 1889, including Faculties of Law and Arts and Humanities. Faculty of Theology established 1890, and Science 1895. Created by the Canton of Fribourg, the University is a State institution which receives financial support from the Canton of Fribourg, the Swiss State and other Swiss cantons.

Financiamento: Público
Notas 3
Línguas 2
Divisões 5
Propinas anuais
Moeda local: CHF
CHF 655,00CHF 655,00
  • Detalhes da admissão: Secondary school certificate (baccalauréat or maturité fédérale) or recognized foreign equivalent
A Sua Moeda: USD
US$ 726,42US$ 726,42

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